Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Banned

To my surprise, I have learned that Christmas was banned in England while the Puritans were in power. Some historians say, that in 1647 it was Oliver Cromwell who decided to ban Christmas. He banned it because he thought it was immoral to feast and celebrate on such a holy day. However, others say that the Parliament decided to make the English people not celebrated it. Who is responsible for this, is not clear. However, what we do know is that people still celebrated it in their houses, although they had to be very careful not to get caught, because if they did they would get arrested. This prohibition kept on until the Restoration of the king Charles II, in 1660. This festivity, among others that were also banned during the Republic, was restored very fast. This can give us a hint of how popular it was at the time. In the United States, Christmas was banned too, because of the Puritans. In Boston, celebrating Christmas was banned form 1659 to 1681. That year, the ban was revoked, although celebrating Christimas in Boston did not become popular until the 19th century.


  1. wow, i didn't know it!! it's really sad! can you imagine? =)

  2. I know! I had no idea, and when I read it I was so surprised!! It´s really sad!! =)
